What acupuncture can Treat
Low Back Pain
Chronic Pain
Muscle Tightness
Digestive Issues
Pregnancy related complaints
Women's Health
Weight Control
And More!
How Does it Work?
In acupuncture, there are different pathways (meridians) on the body that energy (Qi), flows through. Sometimes these pathways get stuck, creating pain or discomfort. In a Chinese Medicine perspective, by inserting needles in specific points, we are helping the body move blockages (and Qi) and restore harmony within.
Another explanation of how acupuncture works is that the needles cause the body to release neurotransmitters and endorphins. The benefits of acupuncture can include increased circulation, decreased inflammation, and easing of muscle tension.
What Can I expect?
The initial acupuncture visit we chat a little longer to collect all the information, and come up with a diagnoses and treatment plan. The acupuncturist stays in the room with you the whole time, making sure that you are comfortable. During treatment, acupuncture needles will be inserted, and retained in your body for about 15-20 mins.
There are different modalities in Acupuncture, including cupping therapy, Chinese herbs, moxabustion, tuina (massage) as well as dietary suggestions. In an acupuncture appointment, one of the above may be used to enhance the healing process. Your acupuncturist will discuss the modality being used to make sure you are comfortable with the treatment that you are receiving.